May 8, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Makeup and Hairstyle Trial

I posted this picture on facebook the day of my bridal makeup trial and everyone loved it. I got so many compliments, mainly that I looked like a princess, and my bestie Marta even went as far as saying I looked totally like Grace Kelly. Ha! I'm so glad this bridal makeup and hairstyle got such great feedback, I love it too! This was actually the trial for my Hong Kong wedding, which as you know will be on December 29 this year. My makeup artist is Wendy Lee, and I'm so glad I found her! I loved every single style we tried that day! Don't forget that in Chinese weddings it's customary to change dresses several times during the reception, and the makeup and hairstyle has to change too!

How do you like it? I'm just so in love with the whole thing! I'm wearing false eyelashes by the way, can you tell?

This is another of the styles we tried, for one of the other dresses, but I'm gonna have to change it because my mother-in-law didn't really like my hair down. She said no one would be able to see the gold earrings she bought me for that day. I guess that means a new trial with Wendy then! I won't say no! :)


  1. I like it more when it's in a bun... But not too high, 'cause when you dance, he will definitely at least once crush with it :) that's why I had low bun:D

  2. pretty ;))

    i invite to me too

  3. Just found your blog, you guys are too cute! You look so beautiful!!! Love all the different styles :)

    xoxo Jamie

  4. You are so pity.I value Inner world of the man more than Appearance. I do not look at the person's appearance, I look at his inner world. Sadly, some people pretending to have a positive outlook in life. Jesus lived in the real world where people were concerned with money and possessions. He noticed that in dealing with these matters, dishonest people were often cleverer than honest people. He said that we could learn from dishonest people how to use money wisely. So he told the story about the crafty steward. Many people are very crafty, liars, and dishonest in this world.

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  6. You are looking beautiful in this wedding gown and hairstyle. Wedding is the place where you need lot of stuff so explore on Choices & More boutique to buy something like bags and jewelry at the best prices.


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xx Olivia