May 4, 2013

The Squirrel Coffee and Kitchen

I have several albums in my iPhone's camera roll. Each of them is for a different city. In them I keep interesting things I find online about those cities that I'll eventually visit {mostly food spots and mostly found on instagram!}. So I also have an album for Hong Kong and I turn to it every time I feel like trying something new.

Last week was awesome, having Wednesday off for Labour Day really made a difference! J and I were in Mong Kok ready to buy a new lens {my Canon 18-55mm broke so I had to buy a new one}, and it was tea time so I flipped through my Hong Kong album hoping I'd have some tea place in the area saved in there. And I did! It was The Squirrel Coffee Shop and Kitchen, in Ho Man Tin, and so off we went!

The place is adorable, no wonder I bookmarked it on my album ^^ We had a lovely afternoon with hot chocolate for me, cold coffee for J, and a cheesecake to share. J snapped a pic of the eggs benedict the girl next to us was eating, I'm so coming back for them!

The weather is crazy these days here in Hong Kong, so chilly and raining all the time, I mean it's May for God's sake! At least I know Hong Kong is not the only place where weird meteorological conditions are going on, my friends told me it was snowing last week in Catalonia, hello??! Anyways, all I wanted to say is I was wearing this amazing sweater my grandma hand-knitted many years ago. Isn't she the most talented woman?! I mean the sweater is a piece of art! I don't wear it often because I want to pass it on to my daughter eventually, does that make sense? :) See how it closes on the top with those three pearl buttons. Total love <3

I was wearing a huge bow hair tie too, so cutie I was on that day :D

Visited on: May 1, 2013
Overall Quality: 4*
Price: $140 for the three items I mentioned
Value for Money: 4*
Would I recommend it? Yes, nice place enough!


  1. you're so cute, dear! and i love the pics
    following you, hope you can follow me back)
    love, Yulia

  2. such a cute idea to keep a list of things to do/see in a city! Lately I've been trying to rediscover things to do in Boston because my bf and I are finally visiting it together (and he has never been to America!). Such lovely cafe and i love love LOVE your outfit!


  3. you look so cute!
    the place looks so wonderful

  4. Awesome bog, the atmosphere here is very inspiring!
    And the way you take photos...they areso cool, all the food looks so yummy!

    Loved the idea to keep the sweater for your future doughter, think that things like that would help to connect generations of the family!


Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia