June 25, 2015

Hubby's First Father's Day

Last Sunday, the third Sunday of June, was Father's Day in many countries, including Hong Kong, and it was the first of many to come for the hubby! 

We went out for a stroll in the Born neighborhood, ate some churros at La Xocolateria by Oriol Balaguer, where we discovered yummy hot toffee to dip the churros in, and ended up at Ciutadella Park. 

I love Ciutadella Park during the warm season. It's always full of people relaxing on the grass and enjoying the sun, yet it's never crowded. I'm considering it as the location for Liam's first birthday party, picnic style! :D

I was wearing Privata shoes; Maje skirt; Zara top; Gianni Chiarinni bag; and Forever21 headband.

June 17, 2015

Mercantic - Vintage Market in Sant Cugat

Remember when I wrote about Palo Alto market and said how in all these food/style/vintage markets were recently? Well, I visited another one a couple weeks ago, Mercantic, located in Sant Cugat, about 20 minutes away from Barcelona. 

While Palo Alto was mostly focused on food, Mercantic is more of a vintage market. There's so much to see if you like antiques, you'll need the whole day to go through all the stalls!

This doesn't mean there isn't some nice food trucks as well, in fact I came across the cutest one ever!

Ever since I took Aiala Hernando's Food Styling & Photography course, I've wanted to buy some vintage crockery, since she said that's what's in nowadays in food photography. The truth though, is I ended up buying nothing :( I guess my style is not really vintage but rather colorful and cute, so I couldn't make up my mind on what to buy.

Go visit Mercantic if you're into vintage stuff, because you'll most certainly fall in love with it. There's free parking if you're driving, or you can go by train, too, so there's no excuse! 

Av. de Rius i Taulet, 120
Sant Cugat del Vallès
Open everyday. Check the schedule here.

June 15, 2015

I Wear Kids Clothes

I've got a little confession to make today: I sometimes buy clothes from the kids section, and they're not for my son Liam, they're for myself. The jumpsuit I'm wearing here is the perfect example. I love how cute {and cheap!} this Zara kids jumpsuit is. 

Most kids shops have sizes up to 14 years, and a while back I found out I actually fitted in all of the kids section clothes. Not that I'm short or anything {I'm 168cm tall, 5'6''}, but I am most certainly thin, so I guess that's the main reason I can fit in everything. 

This jumpsuit I'm wearing is not even the biggest size, but a 11-12 years one! It may sound crazy but believe me when I say it's sooo worth it. Kids clothes are SO much cheaper! This jumpsuit was 17.95 euros, I don't think you can find such thing in the woman section.

I was eating a gorgeous rose-shaped ice-cream cone from Amorino, my favorite! I found it was extremely difficult to take pictures of it with this mediterranean heat, the ice-cream was melting before we knew it!

I was wearing Zara Kids Jumpsuit, Tiger headband, and Xicc shoes.

I know for a fact I'm not the only one out there buying stuff from the kids section for myself, so tell me, did any of you ever give it a try? If so, with which brands?

June 8, 2015

Chocolate Guinness Cake with Mascarpone Frosting

Liam turned 9 months on May 28th. As I mentioned on my Instagram account, I'm not one for big monthiversary celebrations, yet 9 months truly is something. As you may know, human babies are, among all mammals, the ones born more immature. According to the exterogestation theory, babies are not considered as having achieved full gestation until 9 months after birth, when their brain has doubled from birth and they start to crawl. For me it was just something sentimental, 9 months of pregnancy and 9 months since Liam was born. This makes a year and a half of my life revolving around Liam and counting! <3 Also, this may be TMI but I got my period back after a year and half when Liam was 9 months and 1 day! This means my body is ready for another baby =D  

I decided to bake a cake and celebrate Liam's 9 months with a nice lunch with my family, even though Liam didn't get to eat any cake, of course!

I baked the Chocolate Guinness Cake following the recipe I found on Nigella's blog. I made a couple small adjustments though.1. The most important one was instead of buying cream cheese I accidentally bought Mascarpone, so I used that for my frosting instead of the cream cheese. 2. For the cake, I cut down on the sugar from 400g to 300g. 

chocolate guinness cake with mascarpone frosting

This cake turned out pretty tall and big for just 5 of us, we couldn't finish it all! I'd use half the ingredients if I ever had to bake it again. Besides this, the result was delish. Everyone absolutely loved it. It was pretty easy to bake, too! Another perfect cake to add to my sweet recipes!