May 16, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Bachelorette! (I/II)

Finally! I have all the pics from the utterly amazing bachelorette party my girlfriends prepared for me on April 13th in Barcelona! I was waiting for the photographer to send me the much awaited pics, and here they finally are!

Everything started on April 12 when Jamie and Soraya came to my home from Oxford and Madrid respectively to be able to attend my bridal shower on the 13th. Words cannot describe how thankful I am to each and every girl who made it to my day, specially those coming from really far away just for the occasion, like Soraya and Jamie, Eva from Andorra, Mireia from Mallorca and Marta from San Sebastian. Thanks to each and everyone of you for an amazing weekend! 

On Saturday the 13th of April, the girls came to my home to pick me up around noon. The first thing I had to do was putting a pseudo-veil on my head... Just so that everyone was clear that this was a bachelorette party and I was the bride-to-be >.<'

Our first stop was at restaurant Murmuri, where the girls had booked a big table for lunch. When lunch was almost over, an amazing surprise arrived: THE PHOTOGRAPHER!!! These girls really know me well! They hired a photographer so that she could follow us around for the whole day paparazzi style :D At the end of the day she had taken 2,000 pictures!!! Jesus!

After lunch we had coffees on the sofas of the restaurant, and then headed to my next surprise, which I shall be introducing to you next Wednesday! You probably already know what it is though, because there were several sneak-peeks on my instagram!

Obviously Jamie didn't get the Spanish of look at the hands hehe

I hope you're enjoying reading about my bridal shower so far. I LOVED IT!


  1. These picture are gorgeous! Well all of you guys are! I love it!


  2. Hola!
    Quina festa tan bonica, moltes felicitats per el teu casament!
    Una abraçada,

  3. Hello! Your blog is an absolute beauty!
    It's so lovely!
    WOuld you like to follow each other?

    Danica Stark
    Follow me on GFC


Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia