January 16, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Our Wedding Bands

I'm super excited to tell you that last weekend J and I chose our wedding bands!! We decided on the Classic Wedding Bands from Cartier, timeless pieces of beauty and elegance. 

Something J and I had very clear was that our rings had to be exactly the same, so that by looking at his hand and my hand, it was clear that we belong to each other. It's common nowadays for brides to choose a ring full of diamonds for their wedding band, but that way the rings of wife and husband can never be the same, so that was not an option for us. I allowed myself a little treat and got the classic band with a small diamond on it :) We chose the ones in Pink Gold, a perfect color that we both love on our hands. The yellow gold was too much, and the platinum didn't really give us the "wedding feeling". So these are our beauties, mine in 2.5mm and J's in 3.5mm :) I'm so looking forward for us to wear them...


  1. WAWW ! i really love it!!! They're amazing!

    Good choice Olivia!

  2. Absolutely beautiful, classic, timeless bands! I LOVE that they are the same :)

    xo Marisa


  3. Beautiful! Actually I can't wait to see your wedding dress! :)


    x Anastasia

  4. Hello :) nice blog and beautiful post, now following you.
    I joined GFC, if you will go with me;)


  5. It so nice to hear that there’s more than just picking wedding bands for both of you. It’s true that these bands represent the love you have for each other, so it’s good that you two personally picked what you like to better represent your love for each other. By the way, I like the ones you chose – simple but elegant! How’s the preparation for your wedding?

  6. Absolutely brilliant!!
    This ring is really so amazing , looks gorgeous .I like it .

    His and Her Wedding Rings

  7. It’s true that these bands represent the love you have for each other, so it’s good that you two personally picked what you like to better represent your love for each other. Wonderful to have one like that womens wedding bands


Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia