April 17, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Wedding Menu Tasting

After this crazy week getting everything settled for the wedding, I found it hard to decide what to talk about first on my Wedding Wednesday series! I finally decided the food seemed a good enough topic to start off.

On Saturday the 6th {exactly half a year before our wedding!} , my parents, my uncles, my brother and I went for the wedding menu tasting at restaurant To(+). To(+) is owned by chef David and I think he is likely to get a Michelin star soon, his food is that good! It reminded me deeply of the food at Robuchon au Dome in Macau, which has 3 Michelin Stars! The restaurant is located near Suria, next to my wedding venue, although for the wedding they will be catering the food to our venue, of course. The picture above is the view from the restaurant, so nice! The wedding menu tasting is originally intended for the bride, the groom, and their parents, which unfortunately couldn't be the case for us.

Before going to the tasting, David sent me the never ending list of all the choices available at the restaurant, so that I could choose some to try. To begin with, we tried 20 starters, out of which we had to choose 14 that will actually be served during our reception. They will be served in a cocktail style outdoors for about an hour. Then we tried 5 ice creams, and decided on 4, which will be served after the appetizers and before the proper meal. This is a non-fat ice cream, more like a sorbet to make some room for the big meal after all the snacks!
We then tried 4 first dishes and 3 second dishes

Needless to say we were all full before the second dishes came. But after that we still had to try 2 pre-desserts, and afterwards, 3 desserts and 5 mini-desserts. I wonder how I'm still alive. All of this was served with a free-flow of different white wines, red wines and cava, because, well, we had to choose that too!!! My father needed a longtime before he could drive the car back home, and even then I was a bit concerned for our safety.

We were really full and kinda drunk, but the whole experience was memorable! Of course I missed J very much and wished he could have make it but oh well. After lunch we also chose the tableware, cuttlery, and stuff. The whole thing lasted from 1pm to 6.30pm... You can imagine!

The food we'll be serving in our wedding will remain a surprise, but at least with all these pictures you can get the idea...


  1. Quina bona pinta tot!!! I qué wapus a la fotu :)

  2. now that seems delicious!!!

  3. That sounds like a dream come true! everything looks delicious. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award =)


  4. great photos!
    wow so many meals at your wedding, the food does look so delicious


Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia