April 7, 2013

Half a year to go for my wedding!

Half a year from today I will be at my own wedding party as Mrs. Lau. It's kind of amazing that my wedding is only 6 months away already. I've been doing the food tasting today and OMG {!!!}, I'm sure everyone's gonna love it! I'll tell you all about it on a Wedding Wednesday post soon. 

This may be too much information but the truth is I got my period today. Oh God, I don't want to have my period during my wedding!!! I have a baby to conceive! Just kidding {or not}, but in any case I don't want my period on that day, I think that's not too much to ask for?!


  1. Did you contemplate the pill...?

  2. I love your dress, you look absolutely gorgeous!
    How amazing that your wedding is only 6 months away, congrats :)!
    <3 nathalista.blogspot.com

  3. awh, yay! CONGRATULATIONS! how exciting!!! btw, love your dress. :D


  4. Oh no, I hope for your sake it won't happen! That is my worst nightmare!
    I'm so excited for you, getting ever closer to the big day :)

  5. you two look adorable, and your dress is PERFECT!!!



Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia