April 10, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Our Pre-Wedding Trip to Thailand

Finally! Finally! Here is the post on our awesome pre-wedding trip to Thailand! I wanted to thank my love once again for organizing such an amazing trip because, unlike him, I had never been to Thailand, so he took care of most of the organization. The result was the most perfect and romantic pre-wedding trip one could ever wish for. A short one for sure, le sigh, but unbeatable nonetheless. We left Hong Kong on Wednesday the 27th of April at 8.15AM and arrived to Bangkok Airport at 10AM local time. We then took a cab to Bangkok, which took about an hour because of the crazy traffic jams in the city, had some lunch, and then took the bus to Hua Hin at 12.30PM. We reached Asara Villa & Suite in Hua Hin at 3PM, where we were greeted with a refreshing blue mocktail that I managed to spill on my white shirt -__-

Never mind, nothing could ruin my good mood at the sight of our breathtaking resort. The resort had suites or pool villas, and obviously we went for the latter, a house with our own pool!!! We spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying our pool villa and relaxing at the hotel's private beach, until 8.30PM when we took the shuttle bus provided by the hotel to go to the city center for dinner. We had seafood Thai style, which was a bit disappointing for me {Thai food in Hong Kong is better lol}. We did find some very good western food on the following days though! My favorite was All In Hua Hin, a European restaurant with superb food! I enjoyed that meal sooo much :) 

The following day we joined the yoga class at 6.30AM and where the only ones to do so. Come on, free yoga class with this unbeatable atmosphere?! I totally had to join!!! Both J and I loved it, and we joined the Thai Chi class the next day at the same time, which was even better! That means we had breakfast around 7.30AM, so the whole buffet was basically for us only! 

On the day of our check-out, Saturday, we didn't join the morning class and woke up around 9.30AM for breakfast. Oups, bad idea!!! It was CROWDED! I hadn't even noticed so many people were staying at the hotel before I got to that breakfast! {That breakfast buffet was the best I've ever had btw! I loooved everything!} The resort always looked empty to me, and J and I always mentioned how there were obviously more workers there than guests. Well, maybe not after all! Anyway I think a lot of them checked in on Friday, since it was the official start of the Easter holidays. Another thing my fiance planned extremely well!!! We had the resort just for ourselves during our stay :)

After checking out we took the bus back to Bangkok where we arrived for lunch time, and enjoyed 24 hours in the city before going back home. I have to say I genuinely fell in love with Bangkok. It has my favorite place on earth. Whenever I die, please God remember I want that to be my heaven, so kindly send me there :D The place I'm talking about is Siam Paragon, a shopping mall filled up with nice cafes, what is there not to love??! Cupcakes, doughnuts, pancakes, cakes, pastries, everything is available x 1000 at the Food Hall of Siam Paragon! 

I was very glad to discover that cute cafes are so popular in Bangkok, not only at Siam Paragon but everywhere in the city. I also visited Radi Cafe as I already explained in this post.

All in all, I loved this first time Thailand experience and I hope I can go back real soon! Thank you fiancé for this unforgettable pre-wedding trip!


  1. wow this is amazing! i hope u had a fabulous time!

    XO Meghan

  2. Looks terrific! Great pictures as well!
    Have a fabulous time!

    Best wishes, Alexandra

  3. What a fabulous trip you had, and well done to your fiance for organising it all so well! Yoga class on a beach at dawn is my dream and hopefully I will be able to join one on my upcoming holiday.

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos and putting me in a holiday mood! :)

  4. wow great photos!!
    i've been to phuket in thailand and the beaches are prestige

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  6. such beautiful photos - from the location to the skill! x


  7. Thanks for the information you shared that's so useful and quite informative and i have taken those into consideration....



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xx Olivia