April 28, 2013

Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light

Vichy Aqualia Thermal is one of my favorite products of late. This light moisturizer works wonders on combination skin, and it is suitable for both daytime and nighttime. This moisturizer comes in Light {for combination and oily skins} and in Rich {for dry skins}. My skin is combination so I'm using Vichy Aqualia Thermal Light and it really suits me! I like Vichy a lot for all its products contain no parabens and are therefore really gentle, and this is no exception! Price wise, it's specially worth it for Europeans, since it is way cheaper in the EU than in other places. Do give it a try if you still haven't found your perfect moisturizer and let me know what you think about it!

Overall Quality: 4.5*
Price: EUR 17 or USD 31 here
Value for Money: 4*
Would I recommend it? Yes, this is a great moisturizer! 

1 comment:

  1. super product -=-))

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xx Olivia