November 28, 2012

Wedding Wednesday: Our Proposal Reenactment Photoshoot

My wedding is now less than a year away {whoa, I still can't believe it!} and for it, I'm happy to announce a new series on my blog! 

Welcome to Wedding Wednesday, a series for all things wedding! 

I feel it's time for me to start sharing all my wedding planning in a more organized fashion, rather than having spare posts here and there. I have so many things to write about, planning a wedding can be quite hectic! Wedding Wednesday, besides being a bride-to-be diary to be published every Wednesday, will also be a place to write about wedding inspirations {sites or ideas that I love} and, hopefully, a way to get some feedback via post comments from other brides-to-be or wifes who would be happy to share their advice with me!

Today I'm specially happy to share with all of you our proposal reenactment pics. J proposed at home, hence the background for this photoshoot... I love each and every picture, I hope you do too! :) Some of the moments during the photo session were truly touching, reminding us once again of all the joy we experienced that day...


For the occasion I picked this feather dress from Spanish brand Etxart&Panno I bought about two years ago in Barcelona. It's also the one I'm wearing in my about me page. J was wearing exactly the same as he was in the real proposal. As for me I changed my dress because I have way too many pictures with the silver dress from the original proposal...

Let me know how you liked this photoshoot! Enter your email on the "Follow by Email" tab on the right sidebar, so you never miss a post :) You can also follow my instagram @oliviaschoice

Special thanks to Rax Lam and Chung Wong for their amazing work in makeup and pictures.


  1. Great photoshoot! And you two are just so adorable Olivia! Congrats once again. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG, you are soooo beautiful together! congratulations! lots of love and happiness!

  4. congrats!! you both look gorgeous =))

  5. beautiful photo's!! I wish you all the happiness.

    new blogpost:

  6. great pics; DD

    new post |!!

  7. Congratulations :) And those pictures are simply amazing! :)

  8. I thought it was a little bizarre (just my personal opinion tho) to reenact a such a moment but each to their own! But completely understand why you would as it does bring back fond memories. The shots are really very lovely and looks very realistic despite it being staged as your expression look like how it would have been when you were proposed to. I esp love your feathery dress, you look fab!

    Jenny xoxo

  9. congratulations! thank you for becoming my follower im glad to follow you back, love your blog very much !

  10. beautiful photos... very romantic :D

  11. Both of you are amazing! Wish u a lot of happiness!

  12. You both look gorgeous my sweetie! Looking forward to the day!

  13. Ohhh love those pictures! You make such an amazing couple!
    I wish you all the happiness in the world :)

  14. i like how the photos seem really natural and homely! Love your outfit pick too!


  15. Oh Olivia, these photos are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! They are so romantic and they looked like you had a lovely and emotional time. Thank you so much for sharing, I am looking forward to your wedding series! x

  16. Adorable Pictures Olivia !!!


  17. what a lovely idea! when Jon proposed, I cried - photos in the moment would NOT have been idea, haha :)

  18. I've never heard of doing an engagement reenactment photo shoot but that's just such a great idea!

  19. Absolutely obsessed with your dress, your ring, these photos, and, most of all, what's engraved in the ring. So perfect! Glad I found your blog.

  20. Awesome idea to do a "Proposal Reenactment"! I absolutely love the Silver Dress you wore in the original and the black dress you wore in the reenactment is simply flawless!
    - Nicole

  21. Congrats, great shoot! What a stunning dress and outfit! I recently got married and it was the best day ever.... even better than the proposal... if you can believe it :)

  22. So cute that you had a reenactment shoot! Good luck with the last six months

  23. You are just adorable Olivia! I love that you did a reenactment shoot...that's definitely one way to remember a proposal! xoxo

  24. AH!Congratulations :) and thanks for linking up to the WW party! Glad you got to capture this special moment.
    ps don't forget to follow your host and co-hosts!

  25. Hey Olivia! Thanks so much for linking up for the WeddingWednesday party! I adore these photos! Such a great idea to go back and re-shoot! Glad I found your blog! I look forward to following along with you through the rest of your wedding journey! I am a new wife blogging about all we are learning over at :)

  26. Beautiful photos! I'm new from the link-up! Can't wait to see the rest of your plans! :)

  27. This is so beautiful Olivia! Obsessed with your dress! Your ring is stunning and the engraving on the inside is beautiful.


    Only 2 more days to enter

    Be featured on Stylishly In Love: If you would like a chance to be featured on my fashion blog, then email me ( a picture of your go-to outfit for Valentine's Day. In honor of Valentine's day I will be featuring 14 bloggers. Make sure to email me by February 11th.
    Thank you.

  28. You are perfect and very beautiful woman. You can speak seven languages. Your boyfriend is so lucky. They are so many very handsome, nice and very rich person outside. Money cannot buy a beautiful nice woman.

  29. You know you're a pathetic actress, right Xenia ?

  30. This guy is so ugly and skinny I could die. You have such bad taste for someone who supposedly is running a fashion blog shop. Anyway, whats the big deal about speaking 7 languages? Especially when the languages stated have common roots and grammatical structures. Professional linguists can speak much more diverse languages with complicated grammar. Lets see you be fluent in Arabic or Russian.

  31. Organize a visit to a spa next take a limo trip to a extravagant city photograph shoot! At some point in the photos get down on one knee and propose! After that take the limo to the finest restaurant in town followed by a night at a 5 star hotel!


Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia