August 8, 2012

Pomme Wan Chai - The Cake Set

I have the habit to, whenever I'm walking on the street and I happen to notice what seems like a nice place, write it down (name, location, food type and size of the venue) so that whenever I'm around again and wonder where to eat, I have a list to choose from! This has proven quite handy as this is exactly how we decided on Pomme last Sunday. Pomme is a tiny and cute cafe with a capacity for 20 people. They serve all sorts of tarts, cakes, cupcakes and cookies, all in a very cozy ambience.

I was not really feeling hungry after all that dim sum we had for lunch, but as soon as I stepped into Pomme and my eyes landed on the Red Velvet Cupcake, I knew I had to have it. You should know that I'm totally crazy about Red Velvet Cupcakes. They are my all-time favorites, and if I go to a place where they have it, it's hard for me to choose any other sweet over this one. Besides, I like to rank them and see which venue offers the best one, so that I make sure to go back. At HK$63 + 10% charge, Pomme has a "Cake Set" from 2pm onwards including a cake and drink of your choice (The Cake Set represents a $5 in your bill, since a cake and drink without set = $35 + $33 respectively). Both Jeff and I went for it, and we had lattes (4*) which he decided to accompany with the lemon cheesecake. It was a French cheesecake with a crumbly biscuit base, which was not very appealing to me, since I am a fan of the much richer, thick and dense New York cheesecake. This being said, for a French cheesecake I must admit the quality was very good (4.5*).

My Red Velvet Cupcake was divine. It's one of the best I've ever tried, and the best (and prettiest) in Hong Kong so far. Both the cupcake and the frosting were delish. I found the sponge texture could be improved since it could have been more moist. All in all, a hidden gem! (4.5*)

N.B. Pomme closes on Mondays

Visited on: 05 August, 2012
Overall quality: 4.5*
Value for Money: 5* for the cakes, 4* for the drinks
Price per head (Cake Set): HK$63 + 10% service charge
Would I recommend it? Definitely, do not miss the chance to visit Pomme when in Wan Chai!

Pomme, 11 Luard Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, 2527 9933


  1. Eccomi!=D Davvero bellissime foto, mi hai fatto venire una voglia pazzesca di dolci!!!*_*

    Bellissimo blog!!!=D
    Un bacione!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing these mouth watering delicacies!


  3. Darling blog! You have great style, and I loved this post - what could be better than cupcakes!? :)



Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia