February 8, 2013

DIY Book Cover with Dailylike

I have been super obsessed with Dailylike recently. Dailylike is a Korean crafting supplies brand, and they have THE cutest things! 
The brand is available at Log On in Hong Kong, and they have a fair variety of items for you to choose from. 
Last week I got a fabric sticker, a fabric tape, and some regular fabric. I had a Minnie notebook I got from the samples of the company where I work {I work in the toys industry}, and I wanted to change the cover, which is fine for 4 year-olds but not that great for me!

The Fabric Sticker is perfect to renew a notebook, book, folder, or just for general scrapbooking. It's just so easy! It's like when I used to line my school books with transparent cover paper back in primary school so that they wouldn't get damaged. Same thing, easy peasy. 

Then I added some fabric tape on the corners of the notebook and on the spine. Finally I cut a small rectangle from the flowery fabric and wrote Thoughts on it, because that's what I'm planning on using this notebook for, and stuck the fabric to the notebook with some more cute fabric tape. Tadaaa! :) 

Now you know how to renew your Fifty Shades series so that people will stop staring at you for reading such a novel in public =D


  1. This is so pretty and genius! Oh yeah, would definitely work for Fifty shades :D

  2. So creative! What a lovely idea x

  3. beautiful adn creative idea... love it!!! :D


  4. I've had the exact same polka dot fabric sticker for so long now!! It's so pretty but I didn't know where to use it, but I'll probably use it on a notebook as well :) The only downside to it is that it gets dirty so fast!


  5. Love it!


  6. Love how it turned out!!



  7. Is a very nice, I love how you stay!!!

  8. Love the book cover! This is a wonderful DIY!


    Only 2 more days to enter:

    Be featured on Stylishly In Love: If you would like a chance to be featured on my fashion blog, then email me (stylishlyinlove@gmail.com) a picture of your go-to outfit for Valentine's Day. In honor of Valentine's day I will be featuring 14 bloggers. Make sure to email me by February 11th.
    Thank you.

  9. Olivia, this is so cute and nice!
    Have a lovely day!

  10. Haha, I love your remark on 50 shades. And great idea!

  11. I love this DIY project, so cute! And your end result is amazing - I love this dainty romantic cover!


Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia