June 28, 2013

My Last Day

Today was my last day at my office job. I feel excited, relieved and, above all, motivated. Excited about moving forward, relieved of some pressure, and motivated for my new project.
My lovely online shop is doing well, and I think the timing to leave my full-time job and start focusing exclusively on my shop is just the right one. When I quit my job on May 31, my store was only a week old, so it took a lot of courage to present my resignation letter at the time. One thing I knew for sure was this is my dream, and I have to pursue it no matter the risks. Besides, because of my company's one month notice policy, I still had to spend a long month in the job after I resigned, so I'm glad I did it early so that now that I feel I can make a living out of my shop, I am free do focus entirely on it. This month didn't go by fast, but THE day eventually arrived, and I finally said bye to what has been my life for the past year and a half. 

To celebrate this new stage of my life, J and I are going on a trip to Osaka, Japan, tomorrow until Tuesday. It's been four years since I last went to Japan, so this is something I've been really looking forward to! Besides, we want to have a baby next year and I read it's not entirely safe to travel to Japan when you're pregnant because of the radiation, so it was now or never! 

If you purchase at my shop during these 4 days, please note that I will ship your order on Wednesday when we're back, as I already mentioned on Frill Me's blog. I might also take longer than usual to reply to any enquiries on facebook or info{at}shopfrillme.com.

As usual, you can follow my instagram or my facebook page to see what I'm up to in Japan. Have a lovely weekend, or an even nicer long weekend for all Hong Kongers :)


  1. Congratulations for this new beginning :) When you love something that much, you can do everything! It will be great :D


  2. Awwww! So happy that you're gonna follow your dream! Good luck with everything.. :)
    and also, can't wait for your pictures of Japan (please post it in your blog ;p ). I always wanna go to Japan.. maybe sometime in some years later. anyway, have fun! :)

  3. Congrats hunny! So happy for you, have a fun but safe trip!

    xoxo, Aman | coffee chic

  4. After your resignation & a few other things that happened I follow your idea & gave my resignation my last day is July 16th & it's been the longest time
    I cannot wait to start my new journey
    Good luck with yours

    1. Amazing! I just read it on your blog! I wish you all the best! :)

  5. Congrats Olivia and best of luck with your new ventures!


Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia