April 20, 2016

Uncle & Auntie's 25th Wedding Anniversary

Last Sunday we had a lovely family get-together, after not having been all together since Liam's 100 days party! My uncle and my auntie celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and it was really nice. Can you believe I remember their wedding to the detail? I was just 4.5 years old! I was the girl who brought them the wedding rings, and I remember my auntie crying of happiness :) I asked my mom why auntie was crying on such a nice day?! :p

We met to go to church at 12:30 and the Father gave a nice speech commemorating their 25th wedding anniversary. We then headed to the restaurant, El Rubell in Monistrol de Calders, which serves the yummiest catalan cuisine and I highly recommend. The only drawback is the horrible winding road you need to endure to get there! The atmosphere was more wedding-y than I had thought, with presents for the guests and other suprises I really liked! My auntie and other girls surprised my uncle with a FlashMob dance which was so cool!

Liam had a blast playing in the terrace, the weather was amazing and he was oh-so cute with his shorts and elastics! :)

To my dismay, I realized we didn't take any family-of-3 pic, and Jeff was SUPER handsome in his suit. Awwwww :( Anyway, here is a pic with my cousin instead :p


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xx Olivia