May 4, 2016

Rambla 130 Urban Spa Giveaway

Last week I decided to pamper myself and book a beauty service through Bellahora, the leading website in Spain to book beauty salons, and I decided on beautiful Rambla 130 for a nice pedicure + foot massage. Rambla 130 Urban Spa couldn't be better located, right at the heart of the city, it's on Rambla de Canaletes, 130, as its name suggests.

Once at Rambla 130, I was greeted by the owner and showed all the place {it was early in the afternoon so there was practically no one at the time and I was able to peek all around}. It was love at first sight. The most stunning room is their mani-pedi room, but they have different massage rooms and even a huge fitness room, too! I was surprised by how well curated everything was, even the bathrooms were perfect. 

I was offered a drink in the lobby while my beauty agent came to find me for my pedicure. We first decided on the color I'd be using {Essie only!}, and then off we were to enjoy the pedi and the massage which comes with an amazing exfoliant and hydrating mask. I was surprised the hubby noticed when I went back home that my feet were way for hydrated than before!

Now that you know how my experience was... comes the best part: 
I have a GIVEAWAY for you all today, {anyone who can make it to Barcelona whitin this year, that is!}. The giveaway is a full pedicure + foot massage, for a total of 50 minutes, at Rambla 130, valued at 35€.

All you need to do is head over to my Instagram @oliviaschoice, find the picture in which I'm talking about the giveaway and follow the steps there!

************************** CATALAN VERSION ************************** 

La setmana passada vaig decidir dedicar-me un temps i reservar una pedicura a través de Bellahora, el portal líder a Espanya per reserves a centres de bellesa. Al seu web vaig tenir la sort de descobrir Rambla 130, que em va enamorar només veure'n les fotos. A més, la seva localització no podria ser millor, i és que està al cor de Barcelona, a la Rambla de Canaletes, 130, com el seu nom indica.

Una vegada a Rambla 130, em va rebre la propietària i vaig tenir sort, perquè com que era un dia entre setmana a principis de tarda, no hi havia gaire gent i vaig poder veure totes les instal·lacions. L'habitació que enamora més és la de mani-pedis, però també l'entrada, la sala de fitness i fins i tot els lavabos estan cuidats fins a l'últim detall. 

Vaig demanar un tè mentre era a la bonica entrada esperant la noia que em faria la pedicura. Vam començar escollint el color d'esmalt que faríem servir, i a partir d'aquí va començar al pedicura i el massatge, que inclou exfoliant i mascareta hidratant. Em va sorprendre que quan vaig arribar a casa, el Jeff va saber, sense que jo li digués res sobre el massatge, que els meus peus es veien molt més suaus i hidratats que abans! :)

I ara que coneixeu la meva experiència... arriba el millor: 
el SORTEIG! Sortejo una sessió de pedicura + massatge per un total de 50 minuts, a Rambla 130, valorat en 35€. Busqueu la foto al meu Instagram @oliviaschoice on en parlo i seguiu els passos!

Molta sort!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMG, that's really a perfect place for us beauty addicts. Hope I can go there before wearing my homecoming dresses to the party.

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Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia