March 13, 2016

London 2016

This was my third time in London, and undoubtedly the best. The hubby and I traveled by yourselves without Liam or other family members after not having done so since our honeymoon a couple years ago. It felt like a second honeymoon to me! It was also a magnificent break from all the frenzy we've been going through lately, as if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you will have seen we just opened our shoe stores in Barcelona, and this has had a great deal of work behind. 

I was extremely happy we got to meet up with my BFF Soraya and her boyfriend, who currently live in Cambridge and came all the way to London on Sunday to spend an afternoon with us. I can't wait to show you all about it in the YouTube video I'm editing.

One of the things I was most looking forward to for this trip was visiting Maitre Choux in South Kensington, an amazing eclairs shop {by a Spanish maitre actually!} that I couldn't wait to try! We tried two and all I can say is they're not only the prettiest I've ever seen, they're also the yummiest. Good job! I absolutely loved them.

The highlight of this trip, and the reason why Liam didn't come with us, was going to the theatre to watch Billy Elliot. It was unbeatable! I hadn't been to the theatre for a while {mommy's life!} and I had the best time!!! I highly recommend it.

I was impressed at the beauty of London's Chinatown. I had never been and I thought it was so cool! Not only the location itself, but the food, made our mouth {the hubby's specially} all watery!

For one of our dinners we went to Burger&Lobster, a restaurant in which they only serve 3 dishes, and so there is not even a menu. You can have a lobster (grilled or steamed), a lobster roll, or a burger. Each costs 20 pounds, which is pretty expensive but we did enjoy it a lot! I had the lobster roll and I must say it was way better than Luke's in Tokyo, way more expensive too, of course!

Our hotel was perfectly located in Piccadilly Circus (The Z hotel Piccadilly, highly recommended), and so Covent Garden was just 5 minutes walking distance, hence is where we had lunch the first day, in this really cosy place called Chez Antoinette, which is owned by a French girl and we were delighted to have stumbled upon.

We did some touristy stuff on our last day before heading back to Barcelona, it's always nice to see London's main attractions again.

And last but not least, we went to Sketch for afternoon tea! Sketch is an insane restaurant in the heart of the city, one of the most beautiful restaurants I've ever seen. Their Gallery Room, where we had our afternoon tea, is all pink and gorgeous and dreamy and and and I totally loved it!!!! The light was not the best at that time for pictures, but believe me, it's a girl's dream. The egg shaped toilets were another mind-blowing experience, whoever could have thought of that?! There's more of this in the video too, I can't wait to have the time to finish editing it!

We all know how London's weather is, so it did rain a bit indeed, but overall it was better than my expectations, and not too cold either. Such a lovely trip, I can't wait for another one :)

1 comment:

  1. LOndon is an amazing city and your photos are gorgeous :)


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xx Olivia