October 7, 2015

Second Wedding Anniversary

It's been two years since J and I tied the knot in beautiful La Garriga de Castelladral. October 6th, 2013 continues to be one of the best days of my life, and it will probably always be. These two years have been very different from one another. The first one was the absolute bliss. We were newlyweds, I was expecting a child, and we spent the whole day daydreaming of what was to come while enjoying our, still, two people's world.

With the birth of Liam came the biggest of our joys, yet our world would never be a two people's one ever again, and things got a bit strained. Nowadays, we still fight more than I wish we did, but we're also much better at handling our little family of three. I must say J does an amazing job as a daddy. I don't think there's much dads out there who help with everything just as much as J does. For that I am so grateful.

Even though, as most of you know, J and I work together in our family business, I had a meeting yesterday that kept me away from the office for the whole day. We did celebrate though after work {by leaving Liam with the grandparents first!}, and we went to ArtTe, one of my favorite cafes in town, which went sky rocket high in my list after yesterday's experience. Besides being an amazingly pretty cafe, every Tuesday, ArtTe holds a free-entrance concert usually consisting of a piano and something else. Yesterday's performance was a piano and clarinet duet, and did we enjoy it! It was a perfect evening. If you check it now, you may still see it on my Snapchat @oliviaschoice :)

May our love continue to thrive and may we overcome any hardship that comes our way. 
J, I love you and I always will.


  1. so amazing look ; -))

    i invite to me too


  2. Firstly congrats to lovely couple. Your wedding gown is looking fabulous. Thanks for sharing your precious moments with us.



Thank you for your comments! I truly appreciate them!

xx Olivia