September 7, 2015

Liam turns one

For my whole life I dreamt of becoming a mama. Some women just don't have the maternal instinct, but I always have. I always knew I wanted a big family, and this the most important dream of my life, started with my marriage to J in 2013, and exploded to the highest level with the birth of our son a year ago.

Liam is everything I could have ever wished for. He's healthy, smart, loving and handsome, and I couldn't be more in love. Never had I ever loved anyone as much as I love him. He is my whole world and I miss him so dearly when we're not together. Because I've been able to take him to work with me for this whole year, we've seldom been apart. He started school a couple days ago {just three hours a day!} and I think it will be good for him to socialize with other kids :)

More celebrations on August 29th at the restaurant!

On August 28th, Liam's actual birthday, we celebrated with family only. My in-laws were here too, so it was all of us accompanying Liam on his big day! 

On Sunday the 30th we celebrated Liam's birthday with friends. It was a picnic party at Parc de la Ciutadella, with a yummy red velvet cake from Cup&Cake. I couldn't be thankful enough to all those who made it and showed their love to Liam <3

And that's about it! More to come next year :p


  1. Quines fotos tan boniques!!!! xx Marta

  2. Happy birthday to Liam! :)

  3. A happy belated Birthday to the little one! <3

  4. Happy Birthday, Liam! His birthday hat is too cute! :)

    Very European


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xx Olivia