August 11, 2013

The Joy of Baking

You may have noticed that all sorts of homemade cakes have invaded my facebook page and my instagram account this past week. You may have thought I was in a crazy sweet tooth frenzy... Well, don't worry, what happened is I got a new oven! The oven I had before was way too small to bake any cakes in it, so I've been so excited this last ten days with my new oven, I've made five different kinds of cakes.

The first thing I baked were these cute vanilla cupcakes. I used the Vanilla Cupcakes recipe from BBC. They were very easy to make and I was really pleased with the result! I used one single drop of red coloring on the buttercream icing to get the pink. Then I made some hearts with fabric tape for the perfect girlie touch.

My second creation were these AMAZING brownies. This was my favorite cake out of the 5 I made this week. You need to know that I was totally obsessed with Mrs. Fields brownies until the second I got these brownies above into my mouth. They are the MOST DELICIOUS brownies EVER EVER EVER! I used Good Food's Best-ever brownies recipe, and all I can say is there couldn't be a better name for this recipe! DEFINITELY best-ever brownies! I totally recommend you try this out.

Thirdly, I baked some more vanilla cupcakes using the same recipe as for the first ones. I basically just wanted to try new cupcake decorations here, because I bought these silver sugar pearls and these pink chocolate blossoms and couldn't wait to use them! I think this pink chocolate is so pretty, it's perfect for romantic cakes.

My fourth creation was a Green Tea Pound Cake! I used too little quantity for my big cake mold so I ended up with a super low cake, but it was still yummy! This is a cake I'm looking forward to make again at the right height. You know my weakness for green tea! I used Green Tea Pound Cake recipe.

Finally, I made a cake for J mom's birthday on the 8th of August. Today the 11th of August is my own mom's birthday, I sooo wish I could bake a cake for her too :( {Yes, J's mom is only 3 days older than my mom, they're both from the same year!}
This cake was a Jasmine tea cake with white chocolate ganache. I made cake from a jasmine tea cake pre-mix, and the white ganache from's recipe.

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I've been up to these last few days when I wasn't busy with my online shop Frill Me :)


  1. cute!!

    new post

  2. lovely ! my favorite are your cute cupcakes :) just signed in for a cake decorating class in Christchurch !! :D

  3. Wow these are so beautiful! You have quite a talent, lady! :)

  4. These look amazing! :)



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xx Olivia