April 22, 2015

Lemon Meringue Pie

During the Easter holidays I finally got to spare some time to bake something yummy. One of J's favorite desserts is the Lemon Meringue Pie, so it was settled. 

Lemon pie before adding the meringue

I had baked lemon tarts previously, as you may recall, so it was basically the same thing plus the meringue. Last time I bought the ready-to-fill tartalette shells, but this time I made the base myself. There's a more complicated way of doing this dough, but I went for the also delicious and 100 times faster version. I just crashed some digestive cookies and mixed them with a bit of melted butter until blended together in the form of a wet paste. For the lemon curd recipe, you can check my lemon tart recipe, and the meringue doesn't really need much of an explanation. 

You can pull up points on the meringue with the back of a spoon for a prettier look

It was SO delicious my husband congratulated me for a whole day. I feel like it turned out really pretty, too, don't you think?

You need to put the cake in the oven for a couple minutes to get this roasted effect on the meringue

April 19, 2015

Food Styling & Photography Course - Final Project

If you follow me either on Instagram or on Snapchat @oliviaschoice, you'll know I've recently completed Aiala Hernando's Food Styling and Photography course. It is no secret I'm nuts for afternoon tea, and I love to blog about it and take pictures of all the cute yummy treats. As soon as I found out about this course {for which I was on waiting list for several months!}, I knew it was made for me. Now that it's come to an end, I look back and realise that, with two projects per week, it was way more demanding than I thought it would be, and the level was pretty tough. Some of my classmates were professional photographers, so I definitely was on another level, but that was perfectly fine to me. I learned more than I ever thought I would, and I couldn't recommend this course enough for all the foodies out there!

Today I wanted to share my final project. The aim was to recreate a kind of story through pictures. Mine intended to be the story of a simple juice recipe {orange, lemon, cinnamon}, to be sipped on warm afternoon in a coutryside house. I hope you like it!

April 13, 2015


How great have the Easter holidays been! I can't believe it's been a week already! We enjoyed wonderful weather, sunbathed under the warm sun in our beach wear, and basically pretended it was summer. I already mentioned in my Vietnam trip post, just how much Liam enjoyed the sand, and he finally got to touch it again! In fact, he went as far as eating it. Before I knew it, he was enjoying a mouthful of Mediterranean sand! >.<

I know we went to Hong Kong and Vietnam just a couple months ago, but I already feel like traveling a lot. I'm currently organising a trip for next month, we're going to Vienna! If anyone has any tips, they will be most welcome.

Anyway, today I basically wanted to show you a new discovery I made during the holidays: Granel. We found this perfect shop that sells all kinds of nuts and cereals in bulk, all in cereal dispensers, in the town next to our summer house. We thought it was new and the sales lady told us they had been open for a year and a half, ha! Admitedly, we hadn't been there for a while! I loved getting to see all the products exposed in cereal dispensers all over the wall, and get to fill my paper bags with the ones I finally decided upon. I bought some very yummy crumble for my Açaí Bowl, since I'm determined to make one at home! Ever since I first tried it at Flax&Kale, I've been totally addicted to Açaí Bowls, and I think it's time for me to try to make it by myself, basically because they charge you 8€ at Flax&Kale for it!

Granel has several shops in Spain, and an online shop, too! Enjoy :)